Thursday, August 7, 2008

Leave of Absence

Ok...I know I've been pretty lazy at writing on this blog but it's becaue I've been working on another. I orignially created Shiawase to help me through the severe depression I was experiencing from the divorce. I had suicidal thoughts almost everyday and days when I thought I would never leave my room again. Shiawase was theraputic for me to help me see that not everything in my life was completely bad. It helped and my counsleor was very proud of me for doing this.

As of now, I feel as if I've come completely out of the darkness and have returned to my normal self. Oh I still have my bad days but nothing like it was before. It's time to move on which is why I have started a new blog. However, I will keep Shiawase because I feel it represents an important part of my healing process.

Until then enjoy what I have written so far and remember that depression is a kind of illness that needs to run its course like the flu. I'm ok now and will be from now on. Until then...keep in touch with me!

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